Neck osteochondrosis is very difficult to be cured, but still there is possible cure for that. I recommend you a very fascinating recipe. After its application, you won’t feel any pain at all for several years.
This mixture for massage is prepared with unrefined vegetable oil and salt (you can use sea water if you want). All you need is: 10 tablespoons of salt and 20 tablespoons of oil (olive, sunflower).
The wonderful mixture for healing of osteochondrosis:
Salt and oil: curative mixtures against osteochondrosis!
Mix the salt and the oil in one glass jar. Close the jar with a lid. After a couple of days you will get a light mixture.
You should apply the mixture every morning with a strong massage, on the cervical vertebrae in places where you feel pain. Firstly massage for 2-3 minutes, but increase every day for 2-3 minutes, so to end up with massage of 20 minutes. Wet your neck with warm cloth after finishing with massage.
This process may cause small skin irritation, so after the massage, wipe the skin with a dry cloth and sprinkle with children’s powder.
As a result of 10-days treatment you will stimulate blood circulation and improve muscle regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue. You will notice radical changes after 8-10 days of the procedure.
This method will restore the blood flow in the cervical spine and improve vision as well as your headaches will disappear. This is linked with the fact that your body is clean of toxin, which normalize your metabolism.
You may feel a little dizziness and drowsiness during the cleaning process. But it doesn’t happen often. The treatment of osteochondrosis in this way goes with no side effects, and provides great results.
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