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vendredi 11 septembre 2015

Start Doing This and Your Face Will be 10 Years Younger! (You Will Notice Results Right Away)

Did you know that rice is very beneficial and extremely good cosmetic tool which is used for centuries, and especially valued by the Japanese.

 It is rich in Vitamin B which is essential for growth and recovery of cells, and prevents the aging process .

In order to have a glowing skin, Japanese women used the following face mask.

Start Doing This and Your Face Will be 10 Years Younger!

You will need the following ingredients:

– Milk
– Rice
– Honey


Cook 3 tablespoon of rice until gets soft. Once you are done cooking it, strain the mixture and poor the remaining water into a clean bowl (you will need it afterwards).

Wash the cooked rice with water and add 1 tablespoon of warm milk and 1 tablespoon of honey and stir well.
After it cools a little bit, apply it on your face and neck.

Let it on your face for a half an hour and wash it off with the rice water.

You will notice results right away and fall in love with this mask. Your skin will become light, soft, and very gentle.

The rice, as well as the rice water have numerous health benefits . The rice water contains antioxidants and hydrates your skin. You can use the rice water four days after you have prepared it if you store in the fridge.


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