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mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Get Rid of Cellulite Immediately with These 4 Amazing Home Treatments

I know you feel awful when you see the unpleasant orange peel appearance on your skin.

Well, nobody likes cellulite and many women are struggling to get rid of it through healthy diet, exercises and different beauty products.

We will help you reduce cellulite with the following simple ways. It is time to prepare your body for short dresses!

Get Rid of Cellulite Immediately with These 4 Amazing Home Treatments

Scottish shower

Scottish shower includes alternating cold and hot water jets. It stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic system. When doing this, tissues are extremely oxygenated and the toxins are eliminated, while the orange peel look is blurred.

If you begin to do this every morning, your skin will be tones and the muscles will start reducing cellulite.

Coffee scrub

Maybe you have already heard that coffee has a strong anti-cellulite effect. Coffee can eliminate excess water from tissue and blurs the rough look of the skin caused by cellulite.

You can prepare this coffee scrub by mixing one cup of ground coffee with water. Massage the cellulite affected areas with the resulted mixture and wait a few minutes. Then, remove it.

Treatment with ivy extract

You are really going to love this because ivy extract has two amazing effects. It fights both cellulite and stretch marks. Ivy gives the skin elasticity and helps prevent stretch marks, but also retreats the existing ones. Moreover, it can shrink fat cells under the skin, which are to blame for the appearance of orange peel.

This is how you can prepare the treatment:

You need to add 30 milliliters of ivy oily extract in 100 milliliters of olive oil. Mix well the ingredients and with the resulted mixture massage the cellulite affected areas every night.


It is good to get massage rollers because they are perfect for anti-cellulite self-massage. The massage stimulates blood circulation and aids in removing the toxins from the tissues, which are very important in the appearance of cellulite.

You can apply ivy oil on the affected areas instantly after showering. Then, massage with the massage rollers until the oil is fully absorbed in the skin.


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