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vendredi 25 septembre 2015

7 Deadly Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Knowing your body and learning how to listen to it can be of critical importance to your health.

Symptoms will come and go fast, but there are some you should never ignore.

Read this and learn what to do in case any of them appear, especially D-r Oz’s  #1 deadly symptom.

7 Deadly Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Deadly symptom: Sudden and increasing pain in the upper right of your stomach

The condition: Gallstones
The gallbladder is one of the smallest organs, located below the liver, with its function being to collect bile and release it through the small intestine. When you have more cholesterol in the bile, stones begin to form in it – leading to pain, infection or some other complication. These infections can spread across other organs (as the liver) and have serious consequences! If left untreated, they can even be deadly! When the infection is severe, the gallbladder can burst, which will lead to immediate surgery. If you have this kind of pain often accompanied by fever, you should seek help from a doctor. Here you can learn about a healthy gallbladder.

Deadly symptom: blurred, shaded or double vision

The condition: Diabetes
Changes or problems with vision are usual with aging. However, diabetes is the main cause of vision issues in ages 20 to 74. When the blood sugar levels are uncontrolled, they damage all the blood vessels including those in the eye, leading to growing new vessels which crowd and shade the vision. These vessels will sometimes cause hemorrhage too. If you experience this symptom, visit the doctor immediately, as they can be avoided if caught on time, and the damage is reversible.

Deadly symptom: a persistent headache

The condition: cerebral aneurysm
The aneurysm pain is described by many as “the worst headache in my life”. An aneurysm is a ballooning of a blood vessel, a serious condition in which the vessel can rupture, which is fatal 40% of the time! People with high blood pressure have an increased risk of cerebral aneurysm, and also women in menopause, because of the drop in estrogen.
Immediate help from a doctor is needed if you feel this pain:
  • Pain above or behind the eyes
  • Neck pain
  • Numbness on just one side of the face
Learn about different kinds of pain by headache here, and the right ways of treating them.

Deadly symptom: a leg cramp that won’t go away

The condition: deep vein thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is the cause of cramp, pain or tenderness in the legs. It is a serious condition in which there is a clot in the leg, which can travel to other parts of the body, such as the lungs and can block an artery. If that happens, it can stop your heart and lead to death. The symptoms are pain or swelling in the calf, pain behind the knee or pain and tenderness in the thigh.

DVT is almost always caused by sitting for long periods, for example during air travel, but family history or estrogen medication (pill or hormone replacements) can also cause it. It is preventable; you should walk more often, even when on a flight. Click here if you want to learn how estrogen medications increase the risk of DVT.

Deadly symptoms: bleeding gums

The condition: Leukemia
The normal functioning blood components are red blood cells delivering oxygen, white blood cells fight infection and platelets clot the blood. In leukemia (cancer of the body’s blood forming tissues), there is a higher number of abnormal white blood cells. As a result of that, they don’t fight infections properly and there isn’t a normal number of platelets, so blood does not clot as it should. That’s why people with leukemia bleed and bruise easily. Other symptoms are nosebleeds, fever, fatigue or night sweats. Leukemia can be diagnosed with a blood test by a doctor.

Deadly symptoms: shortness of breath

The condition: asthma
Asthma is a serious condition caused by tightening of muscles around the lungs, and also by the inflammation of the lining of the airways, and thick and excess mucus production. A combination of these three will give you shortness of breath, less air getting to your lungs, which can even be fatal! If you have this symptom, visit a doctor and avoid asthma triggers such as allergens, pet dander, and emotional upset or cold weather.

Dr. Oz’s #1 Symptom You Should Never Ignore: Persistent Nausea

The Condition: Heart Attack
Chest pain is attributed as the #1 indicator of heart attack, but many women experience other symptoms that are not immediately seen as dangerous.
A persistent nausea is probably at the last spot on the heart attack symptoms. However, it can be a sign of heart attack due to the medical phenomenon of “referred pain”, in which the body perceives pain in a spot adjacent or distant from the exact area of illness. As the heart has no nerve endings, it signals the spine which distributes the signal throughout the body. Up to 95% of the women with heart attack have felt these symptoms a month before the attack. You should recognize them, and their frequency and severity.
These are the symptoms of a heart attack:
  • Shortness of breath
  • Pressure and tightness in the chest
  • Weakness, dizziness, fatigue
  • Pain from the arm, shoulders, jaw, neck and back, on the left side
  • Headaches, lightheadedness
  • Nausea, vomiting, indigestion problems
  • Coughing
  • Palpitations
  • Feeling of impending doom
if you  experience these symptoms or feel you’re having a heart attack:
  • Call the doctor and say that you’re having a heart attack. If the ambulance cannot reach you in time, have someone drive you to it.
  • Lie down
  • Chew on aspirin, as it reduces damage to the heart


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